The aerodrome of Molėtai was founded in 2000 by Algimantas Raupelis who was interested in creating avia models since his childhood. Later he began to fly independently with various types of aircrafts. The aerodrome of Molėtai belonged to collective farm, aircrafts An-2 used to rise from there to fertilize fields. It was totally abandoned in 1997: there were only left damaged take-off runway, ruins of economic hangar and dry water reservoir. Later with much work and investments take-off runway was re-constructed – it was made out of primer and asphalt (dimensions 650 x 60m, the asphalt part takes 450 x 20m), green RW protective bands of width of 20m were also arranged. When RW was completed and flights began to proceed, there was a need to set up aviation hangars for store aircrafts and services. Two hangars were built, one for keeping aircrafts, other for – machinery and equipment, whole area takes ~1000 m2. After some time one more building was build for administration, aviators meetings, instructions and rest. This building is fully equipped with sauna and sleeping rooms. Total building area is 120 m2.
No profit public institution of “Molėtų aeroklubas” was founded on 2002 with Algimantas Raupelis as the president. “Molėtų aeroklubas” is a user of aedrodrome of Molėtai at this moment.
“Molėtų aeroklubas” already had pilotage Jak-52 and biplane An-2 on 2002. At the same year it bought the only at that time in Baltic countries American helicopter Schweizer 300C. That was the reason why aerodrome arranged helicopter take-off platform according all needed requirements.
It is already tradition to organize aviafests, the stages of aerobatic flying championship and various brands cars presentations. We are having annual international dog show which is happening on the last weekend of May. After Schengen’s airspace came into effect many aircrafts from different abroad countries visit Aerodrome of Molėtai for aviation or tourism purposes. If needed aerodrome can be used for Lithuanian Air Forces, State Border Guard Service and other special institutions.
The new 1000 m2 hangar for keeping aircrafts was built on 2020. At the same year the school of ultralight aircrafts was opened there as well.